Manager of the Industrial Systems and Fuels Group in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Mark Ruth is the Manager of the Industrial Systems and Fuels Group in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, USA. In that role, Mark is leading the multi-laboratory effort to analyze the technical and economic potential of the H2@Scale concept. Mark is also leading analyses on the potential to convert existing nuclear power plants to flex between electricity and hydrogen production. Previously, he led an analysis of the optimal configurations and operation of greenfield, tightly-coupled nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems.
Mark is also leading a number of analyses on energy use in the industrial sector including ones on the potential for advanced combined heat and power technologies to benefit the grid. Over Mark’s 26 years at NREL, he has an extensive history of developing methods to value opportunities in the energy sector as well as technical analyses of hydrogen and bioenergy systems.