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Manager, Advanced Technologies, Strategy & Development, Southern California Gas Company

Current Activities
Identification, development and commercialization of advanced energy technologies that improve energy efficiency, minimize emissions, and provide sustainable energy resources for SoCalGas customers.

Technology projects include: power-to-gas systems, biomethanation, hydrothermal liquefaction and biomass gasification, hydrogen production systems, microchannel reactors for methane and carbon dioxide reforming, catalytic nonthermal plasma reactors, concentrated solar thermal power, and oxyfuel power plants for carbon capture and sequestration.
Previous positions include the new product development (NGVs, fuel cells, internet-based energy services), gas supply and demand forecasting, gas transportation management, energy efficiency program management, and financial analysis.

Synergistic Responsibilities
Vice Chairman, CSULB School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Advisory and Development Council
Advisor, Board of Directors, Hyperlight, LLC, Santee, CA
Advisor, Board of Directors, STARS Technology Corporation, Richland, WA

Recent Papers
“Utilization of Flue-gas CO2 and NOx from a Natural Gas-fired Engine for Chlorella Microalgae Production.” Bioresource Technology 2019, Under review.
“Hydrogen from Steam Methane Reforming by Catalytic Nonthermal Plasma (CNTP) Technology using a Scaled-up Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Reactor.” Energy & Fuels, 2019.

Education and Training 

BS, Biological Science, San Diego State University
MS, Science Education, University of Kentucky
MBA, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Peace Corps Volunteer, Samoa

Ronald L. Kent: TeamMember
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